How to manage 'unmanageably' high volumes of website content? Ignore most of it.
I bet you want to know what content your website users are most interested in. Right?
Of course, you do. Me too.
If your situation is anything like mine, you likely have very little time to spend on useful things—like making your content easier to find, read and understand. So, when you do get this time, you want to make sure you're prioritising the right content.
Not the stuff no-one really cares about.

Content Groups analysis spreadsheet (XLS 100KB)
Use this spreadsheet to identify the Content Topics that users of your website are most interested in. Watch the video above for set-up and usage instructions.
But, here's the problem.
Not only are you likely to have vast amounts of content on your site to track as it is—I bet more and more is being added all the time.
And more and more.
And more and more and more.
And more and more and more and more.
And more and more and more and more and more.
And more and more and more and more and more and more ... you know what I mean!
So, volumes are unmanageably high and, yes, I mean "unmanageably". There are very few web teams that could—hand on heart—say they are "managing" their content. We're not managing. We're coping!
So, not only that...the basic metric of content engagement—Views per page—is at best highly suspect for tracking user interests across an entire site. At worst it's misleading and often meaningless.
Read the full article "How to analyse data from Content Groups in Google Analytics using Excel".
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