"And so this is Christmas and what have we done?" Well Mr.Lennon, it has been a fairly packed year. A mixture of highs and lows - but enjoyable all the same. Probably the best moment was the launch of my book back in September. I don't expect to do that many times in my life! Some other highlights include my brother's wedding in Poland and the time Alistapart.com contacted me to say they wanted to publish an article of mine.
This year I will be spending Christmas with my folks at home in Portmarnock in Dublin. It is nice to visit there every so often - it is so quiet and relaxing. Following that I will head north to Donegal for a few days on Cruit Island. My brothers and I started a tradition there some years ago, whereby we partake of a short swim at midnight on New Year's Eve. It is always freezing but a lot of fun.
Finally, to all visitors of this website - have an enjoyable Christmas and New Year. I'll see you again in 2007.
Nollaig Shona agus ath-bhliain faoi mhaise dhaoibh go leir. Guim buiochas ar gach cuairteoir a thainig anseo i mbiana. Ta suil agam gur fhoghlaim sibh giota! Slan go dti an bhliain-ur.
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