New article: "The 4 Megatrends of Web Governance"

It seems it is finally happening. The discipline of website management is at last getting some attention.

The realization has dawned that if the trajectory of ever improving online experience is to be maintained, a better approach to operations is needed. And not just for aesthetic reasons.

The real motivator is competitive advantage. 

Just as other specialisms like design and content have changed beyond recognition in the past 10 years, so too is Web Governance catching-up with online needs - primarily as the result of 4 Megatrends. These are:

Megatrend #1: Growth in the volume & complexity of online operations. Megatrend #2: Fragmentation & specialization of online roles. Megatrend #3: Professionalization of online management. Megatrend #4: Sophistication of new tools to support digital operations.

See how these Megatrends affect you - and find out how to react - in my new article "The 4 Megatrends of Web Governance".


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