iQ Web Boot Camp 2009: Ireland's leading web usability & design conference
Discover how to weather the recession and not only survive, but thrive online!
At iQ Boot Camp, you'll get the skills you need to improve your website, increase visitor numbers and satisfaction, cut costs and increase revenues. And a whole lot more.
The line up:
- 23 workshops over 3 days (including 9 NEW courses)
- Future Now seminar
- Aprés Boot networking event
What you'll learn
What you learn at Boot Camp will make your site measurably better. And you'll get to learn and network with a community of peers who share your challenges.
Budget-friendly fees
We've lowered registration fees by 10% from last year, so everyone can attend. And if you book before May 20, you'll get an Early Bird discount of up to 20%.
It's the best money you'll spend on your website this year.
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