Brian Donohue (of IQ Content) has posted a review of my book on the IQContent blog. While Brian is positive on many points and makes some useful suggestions, his main concern is the lack of depth given to some topics.
When producing this book, my aim was to cover the full spectrum of activities that website managers need to be familiar with. The idea was to equip them with the knowledge needed to discuss site administration in a meaningful way with Designers, Coders, Techies, Marketers, Directors, etc. As a result, the book is very comprehensive though sometimes lacking in depth*. This trade-off was necessary, otherwise it would be unfeasibly long!
But don't despair - detailed literature is available on many of the topics that are introduced. A recommended bibliography is included in the appendices.
(* Among the topics that are explored in detail are the processes of maintenance and governance. The areas I tend to avoid are associated with technology or other specialised/emergent disciplines.)
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